

Medico Friend Circle (mfc) is a group of pro-people health professionals, activists, academicians, and other stakeholders that began in the 1970s. In the past 50 odd years, mfc and its various members have participated in various ways towards making the health system of India more people-centric, while also engaging with various socio-political events in the country that have a direct and indirect impact on health. Mfc continues to be a platform where enriching discussions on health and its socio-politico-economic determinants happen in an open and non-hierarchical manner. You may know more about mfc here.

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We recently conducted a session on mfc’s engagement with medical education. During the session, Dhruv Mankad and Mira Shiva shared their experiences from the 1983 conference on ‘Alternative Medical Curriculum’ hosted by Gonoshasthya Kendra (Bangladesh). Dhruv and Ravi Narayan shared how mfc’s anthology titled ‘Medical Education Re-examined’ came about and was used for advocacy with various Medical Institutions in the early 1990s. Towards the end, Anand Zachariah shared how the deliberations at mfc influenced his thinking about Medical Education and his efforts at CMC Vellore. He also shared the current challenges that this sector is facing and his concerns about the future. You may view the full discussion here. After this session, it was felt by the panelists and moderators that there is a need to rekindle the effort toward re-examining medical education in India. This re-examination is envisioned at multiple levels including the regulatory set-up, institutional orientation, the relevance of the curriculum, pedagogical linkages with healthcare services, and individual aspirations. If the current state of medical education troubles you and if you often wonder what can be done about it, let’s come together. As a starter, you may go through a chapter from the anthology mentioned above. Reflect on it in the light of your personal experiences. We may get on a Zoom call in a month’s time from now and hear each other out. Sharing your details in this google form will help us contact you.